This is a friendly group and they make all sorts of things. One of the knitters also acts as a middleman between the knitting group and a charity for children chemo patients. She brings in free yarns, and if you want to make hats, you just help yourself to the yarn. When you give her your finished hats, she takes them back to the charity organiser. But you don’t have to knit hats if you don’t want to; it’s not a prerequisite of joining the group.
Anyway, last Thursday she brought in a big bag of yarns. She announced that it’s for the “Holiday Hats” - red and green yarn for Christmas, blue and white for the Jewish holiday. Delray is pretty much a holiday town and it is off-season now. Many knitters have left Delray and went back up north. The group is much smaller in number. And the thought of little children going through cancer treatment at Christmas time really pulls at the heart string…so I offered to make hats.
Here are the yarns for the holiday hats, weighing 2 lbs…that’s a lot of yarn.
lovely hats ! I wish a I have a knitting machine too :)