Did I mention that I am no good at travelling? I get motion sickness. Did I also mention that the mountain roads are like roller coaster rides? And that the roads have sharp zigzag bends? The worst thing was that we took a wrong turn.
So we were in the middle of nowhere, not a soul in sight, not a vehicle nearby. And would you believe it? After I asked hubby to stop our car, and while I was bending over at the side of the road and was about to empty the content of my stomach, a Georgia Sheriff drove towards us. I must have turned green at that point. Poppy showed her concern by sticking her head out of the car window and watched my progress. The Sheriff actually came to a stop to ask if we were ok. Once he understood our situation, in his deep southern voice, he wished us a good day. All I could manage was a weak wave and thought I would certainly try.
When I thought we finally arrived at Brasstown Bald, hubby informed me that the road to the observation tower was closed and that we would need to walk to the top. Can’t believe my luck, I wasn’t even dressed for hiking. But I had come this far now and I wasn't about to give up. So onwards.
Ooo, looks like a fab holiday/birthday (apart from the windy roads - just thinking about that makes me want to puke up too!) The walk up to the top sounds like something Simon would love! The cardi's looking good on you too ;) Love Mui xx